Thursday, July 26, 2012

Observe Martyrs Week From July 28 to August 3! COMMUNIST PARTY OF INDIA (MAOIST)

June 10, 2012
Observe Martyrs Week From July 28 to August 3!
Red Homage to Our Party's Fore-founders and Beloved Teachers Comrades Charu Mazumdar and Kanhai Chatterjee!
Let's rededicate ourselves to fulfill the cherished dreams of thousands of martyrs including Comrades Ramji, Shrikant, Sheshanna, Suneeta, Ranita, Sukku, Mahesh, Mangli, Paklu, Pramod and Shivaji!
July 28 has a special significance in the history of Indian Revolution. Comrade Charu Mazumdar and Comrade Kanhai Chatterjee, who broke the backs of the revisionism deep-rooted for decades in the Indian Communist Movement and established the path of protracted people's war for the Indian Revolution, emerged as the founder-leaders of CPI (Maoist). On this day in 1972, Comrade Charu Mazumdar succumbed to police torture. In the path directed by these two great comrades, the Indian Revolution is marching forward unabatedly for the last 45 years facing many upheavals, defeats and setbacks. Even if it faced setback at one place, by gaining strength in other places, it stood as a ray of hope for all the oppressed masses of entire country. This 45-year bloodstained history contains invaluable sacrifices of more than 15 thousand martyrs. By virtue of these sacrifices, revolutionary movement has been advancing raising the slogan `Naxalbari Ek Hi Rasta', with the aim of building liberated areas through area-wise seizure of political power. July 28 is an important day to commemorate the sacrifices of all the martyrs and to rededicate ourselves to fulfill their cherished dreams.
In the last one year, nearly 150 comrades have sacrificed their lives all over the country. Forty of them are from Dandakaranya (DK). These martyrs include higher leadership comrades, party members, PLGA commanders, red fighters, mass organization activists, revolutionary people's committee representatives and revolutionary masses. Many of these have lost their lives in fake encounters carried out by government mercenary forces while others have laid down their lives fighting heroically with the enemy forces. Few of them have lost their lives due to illness and in accidents. On the occasion of July 28, let's commemorate each and every martyr and pledge to fight relentlessly to fulfill their dream of building a new democratic India free of all forms of exploitation and oppression.
On November 24, 2011, in Burishole jungles of West Bengal, police and paramilitary forces carried out a covert operation and killed Party's politburo member and dynamic mass leader Comrade Mallojula Koteswarlu (Ramji/Kishenji) in a most inhuman manner. For the last 38 years, Comrade Ramji carried out various responsibilities at different areas all over the country in the revolutionary movement. From the days of Jagityal `Jaitrayatra' to of late Jungalmahal mass movement, he led various mass struggles. From 1987 to 1993, he was instrumental in leading the movement in Dandakaranya. After many foul plays to assassinate him, enemy at the end succeeded in it. With the revolutionary spirit of Comrade Ramji, by intensifying mass struggles and people's war we can create many more great leaders like him.
DK special zonal committee member Comrade Harak (Shrikant) passed away on February 26, 2012 due to serious illness. Comrade Harak had joined the Party in 1993. From 1998 onwards, he took responsibilities of the movement in Gadchiroli district and played a key role in it. In spite of serious heart ailment, he insisted to be among the people to carry out mass work incessantly. In the end, he lost his life amidst the downtrodden. By traversing firmly in his path, we can create millions of successors of the revolution.
On March 18, North Telangana movement has lost another great leader. SZCM Comrade Gundeti Shankar (Sheshanna) lost his life due to snake bite. Revolution is not a feast. It's a bloody and tough class war full of dangers, difficulties and constraints. For the last 30 years, Comrade Sheshanna as a true mass leader strived firmly with determination for the cause of revolution. The Telangana soil would keep giving birth to many more great revolutionaries like Comrade Sheshanna.
Senior Party activist Comrade Suneeta (Swaroopa) also lost her life on March 18, 2012 due to breast cancer. As an ideal communist she held the revolutionary flag aloft for 30 years. She stands as a real role model for the present generations who stood strong in the revolution till her last breath.
On August 20, 2011, Gadchiroli's Makadchuvva village witnessed an unprecedented event in the contemporary history. Comrade Ramko Hichami (Ranita) alone courageously fought the enemy encirclement of hundreds of forces and thus added a new chapter in it. This heroic woman guerilla killed three CoBRA/C-60 commandos and seriously injured four others before achieving the martyrdom. Comrade Ranita's bravery and sacrifice always be inspiring to all the fighters of PLGA.
On January 27, 2012, DVCM Comrade Mangu Paddam (Sukku) laid down his life while fighting the enemy forces heroically at Raigarh district in Chhattisgarh. On October 11, 2011, in a daring ambush carried out by PLGA on the enemy forces near Netanar village, Kanger valley LGS commander comrade Mahesh laid down his precious life fighting ferociously. On August 16, 2011, in East Bastar division, at Tirka village Comrades Badru, Gopi and Akash sacrificed their lives in a daring resistance. Unable to face them, showing cowardice enemy burnt the house in which the red fighters got trapped. On March 26, 2012, in a PLGA ambush at Bhejji, Comrades Mangli and Paklu martyred fighting gallantly with the enemy forces. On May 16, 2012, on the occasion of `Bharat Bandh', Comrade Shivaji, PPCM of COY-9, lost his life in an enemy attack at midnight near Bhairamgarh. West Bastar division action team commander Comrade Pramod lost his life in attempt on the life of a notorious enemy of the people, Rajkumar Tamo. Comrade Govind, area committee member of National Park area lost his life with snake bite. Many more comrades have laid down their lives fighting with the cruel enemy. Madkami Maasa, Podiyami Masa, Nengi Yadav, Dunga Dhurwa and other unarmed people succumbed to fake encounters and unabated violence perpetrated by the police and paramilitary forces.
Dear People and Comrades!
Today the ruling classes with the sole aim of wiping out the Maoist movement are carrying out a countrywide cruel war in the name of Operation Green Hunt (OGH). In this war, in addition to the deployment of hundreds of thousands of paramilitary forces, deployment of Army has also been commenced now. On the pretext of `training' Army has stepped into Bastar region. Actually the aim of this war is not just to suppress the Maoist movement, but to suppress all movements and forces which come in the way and form an obstacle for handing over the country's resources to foreign capitalists and corporate houses. In Dandakaranya and in some other places in the country, denouncing the fake development model of the ruling classes, the real people-centered development schemes have come forward as an alternative. The progress and growth of this alternative has become unacceptable to the ruling classes and their imperialist masters. That's why they are hurrying to end this war by putting every effort at their disposal. Worldwide imperialist economic crisis is also hastening them up to end this war quickly. That's why they are indulging in barbarism, mindless violence and massacres. As a part of this only, they are eliminating the revolutionaries and the leaders of the revolutionary movement.
Repression always leads to revolution is a historical truth. Ideas cannot be wiped out by killing people. The exploitative ruling classes of the country are getting exposed day by day. The issues of hunger, poverty, unemployment, corruption, scams, price-hike, displacement etc. are making people restless. None of the parliamentary political parties has any credibility in the eyes of the people. In this context, the fact is that the Maoist People's War which is marching ahead with matchless sacrifices and heroic struggles, stands as a great inspiration to the toiling masses of the country. With the aim to spread this inspiration further, let's commemorate Martyrs' week from July 28 to August 3. Let's pledge to expand the people's war across the length and breadth of the country and to intensify the guerilla war by safeguarding the Party. Let's decorate martyrs' columns built in the villages and build new ones at predetermined places as part of propagating the priceless sacrifices of the martyrs in every corner. Let's emulate the ideals of the martyrs and propagate their spirited life histories among the vast people. With the inspiration of the great martyrs, let's consolidate the revolutionary movement as per the aspirations of the billions of Indian oppressed masses. Let's expand the people's political power by intensifying the class struggle.
(Gudsa Usendi)
Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee
CPI (Maoist)

Return of Peoplesmarch!

After a long silence of more than one year we have decided to restart the ajadhind blog. many things have happened from past one year including the assassination of numerous comrades.
why we had stopped from past one year and why we are restarting this? I will tell in coming days.
the blog will take a new look within few days
with regards

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Communist Party of India (Maoist) Press Release - The offer for peace talks by the President of India is nothing but a ploy!



Press Release

June 24, 2011

The offer for peace talks by the President of India is nothing but a ploy to divert the people from the reality of OGH Phase -2!

On June 24, the President Pratibha Patil who came on a visit to Chhattisgarh capital Raipur proposed that Maoists should shun violence and come forward for talks and that they should join the mainstream and work for the development of Adivasis. This proposal came exactly at a time when thousand Indian Army soldiers had entered Bastar to participate in the Operation Green Hunt (OGH) against the poorest people of India. In the backdrop of the signing of MoUs worth billions of rupees worth to loot the natural resources of our mineral-rich country after many rounds of talks, the President is talking about `peace talks'. She is proposing these `talks' when already 750 sq kms of forest land where dozens of villages and thousands of Mariya Adivasi community reside have been handed over to the Army without any `talks' whatsoever.

Pratibha Patil, incidentally the first woman President of India, is advising us to shun violence even before the wounds of women of Tadimetla, Morpalli, Pulanpadu and Timmapur villages at the southern tip of Chhattisgarh have healed after the brutal atrocities and violence of the government forces perpetrated on them. She is advising us to abjure violence when state violence is a daily occurrence in Dandakaranya, Bihar-Jharkhand, Odisha, Maharashtra and many other areas, particularly the Maoist movement areas or Adivasi areas. In fact, state violence expresses itself in many forms. It is carried on in various methods at various times. For example, today it hiked the price of kerosene by two rupees, diesel by three rupees and cooking gas by 50 rupees. This is one form of violence which makes the lives of people even more unbearable. But the President doesn't have any issue with such kinds of `violence'.

The first citizen of India is even asking us to `join the mainstream'. The `heroes' of the `mainstream' which she is referring to, i.e., the scamster and gangster corrupt ministers, political leaders, corporate sharks, and their comprador lackeys are facing the hatred of the people from Dilli to gully. The workers, peasants, Adivasis, Dalits, minorities and women face nothing but injustice, atrocities and insults in this so-called `mainstream' of hers.

Our party's spokesperson and Politburo member Comrade Azad was killed in a fake encounter after he declared our stand to this kind of a proposal for talks by this very government and Pratibha Patil is inviting us for talks in this backdrop. Incidentally this invitation is being extended exactly one week before his first death anniversary. Exactly one year back Chidambaram and his killer intelligence-police dogs must have been giving final touches to the conspiracy to kill him. The state headed by this President responded by killing him when he clearly placed before the people of this country and the world our party's stand about talks. Later too many veteran Maoist leaders were arrested and put in jails and this is a continuous process. Even Maoist leaders as old as 60 or 70 years are also put in jails and tortured apart from not providing them minimum medical treatment. False cases are foisted on them in dozens of states and the state is conspiring to keep them in jails lifelong.

Our earnest appeal to the people of our country !

Demand the President that the `War on People' by the Indian State – OGH be stopped immediately, that Army training in Bastar be stopped and that Army and paramilitary forces be withdrawn from all the Maoist movement areas before the government proposes for any `Peace Talks'. If the government is ready to implement this, then the counter-violence of people done in self-defence would stop from the very next day!

Demand the President that all MoUs signed between the governments and the MNCs be scrapped before the government talks about `development', that all projects which grab the lands of the people be immediately stopped and that the government should accept that people have the right to decide what kind of a development they want before the government talks of `development'!

Demand the President that all the scamsters and corrupt politicians should be arrested and punished, that all the black money stashed away in foreign banks must be brought back to the country and that all ministers and political leaders be stripped of their posts and publicly punished before the government invites the Maoists to join the `mainstream'!



Central Committee,

CPI (Maoist)

Statement: COMMUNIST PARTY OF INDIA (MAOIST) Condemn Gruesome Mumbai Bomb Blasts!



Press Release

July 17, 2011

Condemn Gruesome Mumbai Bomb Blasts!

Demand for an impartial and independent probe into
all the incidents of bomb blasts including Mecca Masjid, Malegaon and Samjhauta Express blasts!

Communist Party of India (Maoist) severely condemns the bomb blasts took place in Mumbai on July 13, 2011. These incidents of serial blasts are inhuman in which at least 20 innocent people have lost their lives and nearly 80 people were injured. Our Party also strongly condemns the devious and baseless allegations of exploitative ruling classes and their police/intelligence agencies who are trying to blame our Party without any clue of who might be responsible for these bomb blasts and even before the investigation is started. The oppressed people of India know very well that our Party which is fighting for the emancipation of people would never commit such attacks aimed at innocent people putting their lives at peril. Murderous ruling classes and their corporate media are deliberately blaming us so as to depict our Party as a terrorist organization and our just people¡¯s movement as terrorist one, and thus to justify their brutal suppression campaign and the Army deployment in the second phase of ongoing Operation Green Hunt ¡ª the War On People.

If we retrospect into the earlier incidents of bomb blasts took place till this day in our country, we would never know the real culprits hidden behind those who are being shown as offenders. It¡¯s become a norm now that whenever such incidents of bomb blasts take place, the pro-Hindu fundamentalist Indian state, its intelligence/investigative wings and the corporate media immediately claim that Muslims and so-called Islamic terrorist organizations are responsible. In fact, as part of a conspiracy and collusion of the Indian state which always try to blame Muslim society for every attack of this kind and the top leaders of the ruling class parties like Congress and BJP, the IB itself created an illusionary organization named Indian Mujahiddin which is being held responsible for every incident of bomb blast by the authorities. Corporate media barons and bankrupt intellectuals servile to the ruling classes are branding all those who ask for proof of these allegations and who demand for comprehensive and impartial probe as outright traitors and attacking them belligerently, irrationally and frantically. Thus people are being kept at bay from knowing the truth. In our so-called biggest democracy on the earth, the big joke is not asking for incisive probe has become the touchstone for patriotism and the person who asks for any probe is branded as traitor!

In earlier instances of bomb blasts in Mecca Masjid, Malegaon, Samjhauta Express etc. hundreds of innocent Muslims, particularly the youths were arrested, tortured inhumanly and sent to jails. Many were killed in fake encounters. Even after the obvious evidences came forth that the Hindu fanatics belonging to the right-wing RSS gang were responsible for those ghastly incidents, no justice was done to the Muslims. No leader of the Hindu terrorist organizations like Abhinav Bharat, Hindu defence force, Rashtriya Jagaran Manch, Bajrang Dal, Viswa Hindu Parishad has been punished until this day. At the same time, death sentence given to Afzal Guru in the case of attack on Parliament and to 11 Muslims in Godhra train carnage case recently on March 1 are some examples of the anti-Muslim and pro-Hindutva character of the Indian State. While the butchers like Narendra Modi whose hands have stained with the blood of over 2,000 innocent Muslims are freely wandering in the corridors of power, Muslims are being meted out stringent punishments by virtue of bizarre and inadequate evidences. And this has been spreading the feeling of severe frustration and fury among the Muslim masses.

It¡¯s an obvious fact that because of the grisly incidents like the destruction of the Babri Masjid and Gujarat genocide, the Muslim community in general, a large section of Muslim youth in particular, has become furious and outrageous against the Indian ruling classes. Another irrefutable fact is that this situation has given birth to some Islamic organizations. Exploiting this situation and by taking organizations of this sort into their grip or by misleading them in a deceitful manner or by even creating some new organizations of this kind, both India¡¯s and Pakistan¡¯s intelligence agencies like RAW, IB, ISI are engineering bomb blasts and other attacks in both countries as part of serving their vested political interests. Failing to identify their real enemies many a frustrated Muslim youths are stuck in this lattice and taking part in acts of mindless violence of this kind. Thus they are taking of the lives of innocent people. This is such a vicious cycle where these youths don¡¯t even know in whose hands are they acting and whose vested interests are being fulfilled with such attacks in deed.

On the other hand, after it was clearly exposed that an organization called Abhinav Bharat belonged to the Sangh gang (i.e. RSS) was responsible for bomb blasts of Malegaon, Mecca Masjid and Samjhauta Express, people of India have started seeing Saffron terrorism as a dangerous trend. When it became obvious that the Saffron terrorists are responsible for Ajmer Sherif bomb blast also, the demand for a review of all investigations done into the incidents of bomb blasts in various places of our country has come forth. The Muslim youths of Malegaon and Hyderabad have demanded that the government should apologize for the police atrocities inflicted on them. Despite of all its rhetoric, the Congress-led UPA government has been instigating Saffron terrorism as a part of promoting its wicked political motives. The corporate media which act hand in glove with Hindu fundamentalism in general, on the one hand, attack Muslims and Islamic organizations aggressively without any clear evidence and on the other hand, report as less as possible even when there is evident proof is available that the Saffron terrorist organizations were responsible for various incidents of bomb blasts.

If we see in this backdrop, we could arrive at the conclusion that Saffron terrorist organizations or so-called Islamic militant organizations sponsored by the very intelligence agencies like IB, RAW might have committed these heinous acts of July 13 Mumbai bomb blasts. It¡¯s also likely that the mafia gangs hand in glove with police top brass and ruling class political leaders could have committed these attacks. Whoever else has done this, only the interests of ruling classes would be served with such acts of mindless violence. Firstly, people¡¯s attention could be diverted from the issues like price rise, corruption, scams, black money, Swiss banks accounts which have become burning issues in the country now. Secondly, by posing terrorism as biggest danger, even more draconian laws could be prepared and the teeth of State¡¯s suppressive machinery could be sharpened by importing arms and technology from imperialist countries on a massive scale misusing trillions of rupees of hard earned people¡¯s money. Thirdly, by supporting directly or indirectly all invasive wars, attacks and intimidations of US imperialism going on in the name of ¡®Global War on Terror¡¯ and thus by acting as its junior partner in south Asia region, the Indian State could go ahead reducing the country more servile to it by signing the treacherous treaties like Homeland security, civil nuclear deal etc. Fourthly, using the pretext of terrorism, public consent could be built for crushing the people¡¯s movements and growing Maoist revolutionary movement militarily which are surging against anti-people and pro-imperialist neo-liberal policies of the governments. Apart from this, consolidating Hindu vote bank by blaming Muslims and Islamic organizations every time without any proof and diverting the people¡¯s attention from the basic problems of our country like food, clothing, shelter, price rise, unemployment, poverty, starvation, displacement etc. are necessary for both Congress and BJP and for the feudal and comprador bourgeoisie classes whom they represent, so that their exploitative rule can be carried on unchecked.

However, Communist Party of India (Maoist) believes that the real perpetrators of Mumbai blasts could be traced only through an impartial and independent probe. Our Party humbly appeals the masses and democrats of the country to not to sway away with the malicious propaganda, falsehood and prejudices unleashed by the ruling classes, their intelligence agencies and the corporate media in a mad, one-sided and irrational manner. Our Party demands to uncover the culprits responsible for these blasts and punish them severely. At the same time, our Party calls upon entire people of the country to demand the governments for impartial and independent probes into all incidents of bomb blasts that took place since 1992 and for unconditional release of Muslims and Christians who are languishing in various jails with false cases. Our Party also calls upon the people of the country to demand to punish all those Saffron terrorist leaders who are responsible for all the attacks perpetrated on religious minorities including the Babri Masjid destruction, Gujarat genocide, Kandhamal (Odisha) attacks and to condemn Hindu religious fundamentalism and all other religious chauvinisms.



Central Committee,

CPI (Maoist)




Press Release

July 2, 2011

Immediately withdraw the death sentences on Adivasi and dalit cultural artistes and leaders Comrades Jeeten Marandi, Anil Ram, Manoj Rajwar and Chhatrapati Mandal !

On June 23, the Giridih district (Jharkhand) sessions court judge Indradeo Mishra pronounced death sentences to Jeeten Marandi, Anil Ram, Manoj Rajwar and Chhatrapati Mandal in the Chilkari case where 19 people were killed in 2007 and thus the state bared its fascist fangs one more time. Jeeten Marandi and others have always worked openly and the organizations they are working for are not banned organizations. Pronouncing death sentences in a case with which they had no connection whatsoever is a clear is nothing but an act of revenge on them as they are standing firmly with the people using song and dance in all their anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggles, particularly against displacement. As part of Operation Green Hunt launched to suppress the Maoist movement in the country, particularly in Central and Eastern India, the central and state governments have been resorting to the most brutal and heinous atrocities one could imagine on the poorest of the poor – the Adivasis of this country and these latest death sentences are one more proof of this. The cruelest face of OGH could be seen in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Odisha and that too in the Adivasi areas of these states where the Maoist movement is stronger.

Jeeten Marandi is a well-known Adivasi cultural artiste and leader of Jharkhand Abhen, a cultural organization of Jharkhand. He is a leader of the All India League for revolutionary Culture and has toured the length and breadth of India propagating revolutionary songs and culture. Anil Ram, Manoj Rajwar and Chhatrapati Mandal are also Adivasi and Dalit cultural artistes. Jeeten displayed his cultural talents since he was a child and gradually developed himself into one of the finest artistes this country has ever produced. It was only natural that as a conscious child he could not ignore the plight of the Adivasi society of which he himself was a part. His social investigation of the root causes for the poverty, exploitation and oppression of Adivasis naturally led him to revolutionary politics and he and his cultural organization propagated revolutionary politics to awaken political consciousness among the people.

Propagating one's ideas openly is not a crime and nobody can be punished for that. The ruling classes of India are not ready to tolerate any kind of dissent and have been resorting to all kinds of ploys to stifle the voices of dissent to its pro-imperialist and anti-people policies aiming to loot the natural resources and rich mineral wealth of the people. As true people's artistes they have been in the forefront in the anti-displacement movement in Jharkhand which is giving one of the toughest resistances in this matter. It is very clear that the state is punishing them for these political activities and not for some Chilkari case which everybody knows is just one of the dozens of false cases foisted on them. In the bitter class struggle fought against feudalism in Bihar and Jharkhand massacres were perpetrated by the land lords through their private armies on the peasantry, particularly on the dalits. The peasantry had to resort to counter-violence in self-defence and incidents like Chilkari are a part of it. The state instead of looking into the root causes for such incidents and addressing them, is trying to use them to foist false cases on mass organization activists to stifle their voices of dissent. Firstly they slapped a case of sedition on Jeeten Marandi in 2007 with the allegation that he made inflammatory speeches in front of Raj Bhavan in Ranchi on the issue of release of political prisoners and have been harassing him ever since with incarceration and false cases. Even before that he has been arrested many times and sometimes beaten brutally. This death sentence comes as a culmination of all these conspiracies to stifle his voice forever. The state is so shameless in its callousness that it has foisted some cases of Pirtand and Teesri P.S. which happened when Jeeten was in jail!

This country has a 200 year long history of colonial rule under the British which was consequently witness to countless Adivasi rebellions. British imperialism sought to suppress these rebellions by using brute force with the advantage of modern weapons they had and hanging of the rebel leaders was one consistent tactic it had used. The comprador Indian ruling classes which inherited this mantle of brute suppression from them are following in their footsteps. Comrades Bhumaih and Kista Goud were the first revolutionary peasant activists to be hanged in `independent India' and later death sentences were pronounced on many revolutionary activists, particularly on the revolutionary peasant activists in Bihar (which included the present Jharkhand) implicating them in false cases. People's lawyers and civil rights leaders like comrades KG Kannabiran and Pattipati Venkateswarlu as part of their civil rights organizations have vehemently fought against the death sentences pronounced on the revolutionaries both in the courts and outside and built broad movements not only with the immediate demands of annulling the death sentences in particular cases but also for ending capital punishment. It is the necessary to continue this fight on a broader scale as it is obvious that the state would resort to more such fascist acts apart from the massacres, false encounters and atrocities perpetrated on the Adivasi hamlets on a daily basis. Singanna of Narayanapatna was killed point blank in police firings, Lalmohan Tudu of Lalgarh was killed in a `fake encounter' and now comes this death sentence on Jeeten Marandi of Jharkhand. This is all part of the conspiracy to kill the people's leaders who emerged from the people's movements waged against feudalism, comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie and imperialism. By rendering the movements leaderless they want to remove all hurdles to their loot of natural resources in the Adivasi areas.

As Jeeten and other people present in the court sang in the court immediately after the death sentences were pronounced – `that day would definitely come' when people would put an end to all these fascist acts of the state with powerful mass upsurges. Neither death sentences nor false encounters can kill the spirit of true leaders of the people and they would fight to the end.

CPI (Maoist) demands that the death sentences of Jeeten Marandi, Anil Ram, Manoj Rajwar and Chhatrapati Mandal be annulled immediately. It appeals to all democratic organizations, civil rights organizations, organizations for the rights of political prisoners and particularly to all cultural and literary organizations and Adivasi cultural associations to build a vast movement demanding the annulment of these death sentences and the unconditional release of these people's artistes. Let us broaden this movement for ending capital punishment altogether.



Central Committee,

CPI (Maoist)


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