Statement 1:
Press Statement
Stop the mass crimes in India!
The Communist Party of Greece (marxist-lennist) condemns the ongoing murderous crusade of the Indian repressive forces, both official and paramilitary, against millions of peasants and Adivasi (tribal people) in central India. The so-called “operation Green Hunt” that was jointly launched by the Central Government in Delhi governments of Indian states like Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh etc, have turned into a bloodbath with killings, mass arrests, tortures and displacements, moving populations and whole villages is nothing short of a genocide. It aims to eliminate the armed revolutionary movement and to serve the plans of the multinational conglomerates.
Meanwhile with this escalation of the political violence and terrorism against the cadres and the members of the revolutionary movement of the country as well as the harassment and intimidation of every progressive person that attempts to denounce these mass crimes continue to extend the reign of fascist terror across the country. The last and characteristic incident was the extrajudicial cold-blooded murder, of two cadres of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), following their arrest and torture by the Intelligence Service of Andhra Pradesh.
The CPG(m-l) conveys its revolutionary greetings to the militant communists in India and expresses it’s rage to the Indian government for the murder of com. Azad. We call on all revolutionary and democratic forces in Greece to support the struggle of the popular masses in India and to take part in the mobilization organised for today to condemn these crimes and atrocities against the people of India, outside the Indian Embassy in Athens.
Communist Party of Greece(marxist-leninist)
Athens, 06/07/2010
Statement 2:
A repressive, murderous operation has been launched by the Indian state, with the deployment of hundreds of thousands of police and paramilitary forces, with the participation of criminal paramilitary organizations. It aims to break the resistance of poor peasants in vast areas of India. It is about a mass and militant resistance that involves vast areas dwelled by over 100 millions of poor Adivasi (tribal people) peasants.
The main reason for this military raid is to grab the land of the poor people and pass it to the corporations both multinationals and local for the looting exploitation of natural sources in these vast areas. It should be noted that the West Bengal state is under informal “emergency” situation.
Despite the mass murderous raids of the reactionary Indian state the peasants’ movement is growing and resists the murderous assaults.
In order to suppress the solidarity movement that has emerged for the struggle of the peasants, the Indian authorities have launched a fierce repressive and intimidating campaign against intellectuals who support the resistance like – for example – the well-known author Arundhati Roy.
Left and democratic organizations of Greece denounce the criminal raid of the Indian state and support the struggles and the movement of the poor peasants, expressing their unreserved solidarity and call to a protest rally outside the Indian Embassy in Athens.
Communist Organization of Greece
Communist Party of Greece(marxist-leninist)
Cultural Club “Bridge of the people of the East”
Leftist Reconstruction
Leftist Anticapitalist Convergence
New Left Current
Organization of Communists Internationalists of Greece – Spartacus
“Partizan” Magazine
Revolutionary Communist Movement of Greece
Sosialist Workers’ Party
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